
One-of-a-kind monoprints printed by hand with limited edition reproductions on archival paper with pigmented light-fast ink.

chartreuse color studies

These miniprints are color studies utilizing intense green-gold, charcoal and ebony.

Michele LeTourneur zattastudio monotype tomorrow


  • Paper size: 4” wide x 6” high

  • Image size: 3-1/2” wide x 4-3/4” high

  • Paper type: Matte photo cardstock

  • Edition size: 1 [monotype]

Michele LeTourneur zattastudio monotype yesterday


  • Paper size: 4” wide x 6” high

  • Image size: 3-1/2” wide x 4-3/4” high

  • Paper type: Matte photo cardstock

  • Edition size: 1 [monotype]

because… politics series

Living near Washington DC makes you see politics everywhere.


Swirling dark shapes in bands of green-gold, gray, and charcoal create an almost Rorschach-type print.

  • Paper size: 5” wide x 7” high

  • Image size: 4” wide x 5-1/4” high

  • Paper type: Matte photo paper

  • Edition size: 1 [monotype]


Two charcoal swirls floating in a sea of grass-green with and a base of charcoal appear to be in secret conversation with each other.

  • Paper size: 5” wide x 7” high

  • Image size: 4” wide x 5-1/4” high

  • Paper type: Matte photo paper

  • Edition size: 1 [monotype]

mirror conspiracy

A ghost print of “Conspiracy” revealing what is leftover from multiple pulls, almost like forensics in that forms are covered only to be revealed before becoming permanently exposed.

  • Paper size: 5” wide x 7” high

  • Image size: 4” wide x 5-1/4” high

  • Paper type: Matte photo paper

  • Edition size: 1 [monotype]

democracy in distress

This print is meant to invoke the feeling of an old flag, worn and torn, and not taken care of.

This flag fades and becomes cracked with age and is a symbol in more than one way if we continue to take our democracy for granted.

  • Paper size: 12” high x 16” wide

  • Image size: 7-1/2” high x 10” wide

  • Paper type: Legion Stonehenge Light

  • Edition size: 1 [monotype]

monochrome studies

These prints were a personal challenge to not rely on color to create pattern, texture and movement.

Michele LeTourneur zattastudio monotype silver storm

silver storm

This miniprint explores silver-gray with texture to create movement and reminded me of a storm at sea during the night.

  • Paper size: 5” wide x 7” high

  • Image size: 4” wide x 5-1/4” high

  • Paper type: Matte photo cardstock

  • Edition size: 1 [monotype]

Michele LeTourneur zattastudio monotype silver waves

silver waves

This miniprint explores silver-gray with texture to create movement and felt like a waves battling for the rain’s attention.

  • Paper size: 5” wide x 7” high

  • Image size: 4” wide x 5-1/4” high

  • Paper type: Matte photo cardstock

  • Edition size: 1 [monotype]

Michele LeTourneur zattastudio monotype snowscream


This miniprint explores silver-gray with texture to create movement and felt like a waves battling for the rain’s attention.

  • Paper size: 15” wide x 15” high

  • Image size: 12” wide x 12” high

  • Paper type: Legion Stonehenge Black

  • Edition size: 1 [monotype]

metallic miniprint series

These monoprints combine green-gold, silver, and charcoal paint, creating movement like oil and silver metal colliding.

metallic shimmer

  • Paper size: 5” wide x 7” high

  • Image size: 4” wide x 5-1/4” high

  • Paper type: Matte photo cardstock

  • Edition size: 1 [monotype]

metallic shimmer ghost

  • Paper size: 5” wide x 7” high

  • Image size: 4” wide x 5-1/4” high

  • Paper type: Matte photo cardstock

  • Edition size: 1 [monotype]

metallic ripple

  • Paper size: 5” wide x 7” high

  • Image size: 4” wide x 5-1/4” high

  • Paper type: Matte photo cardstock

  • Edition size: 1 [monotype]

metallic ripple ghost

  • Paper size: 5” wide x 7” high

  • Image size: 4” wide x 5-1/4” high

  • Paper type: Matte photo cardstock

  • Edition size: 1 [monotype]

Michele LeTourneur zattastudio monotype flow mojo

flow mojo

  • Paper size: 5” wide x 7” high

  • Image size: 4” wide x 5-1/4” high

  • Paper type: Matte photo cardstock

  • Edition size: 1 [monotype]

Michele LeTourneur zattastudio monotype flow mojo ghost

flow mojo ghost

  • Paper size: 5” wide x 7” high

  • Image size: 4” wide x 5-1/4” high

  • Paper type: Matte photo cardstock

  • Edition size: 1 [monotype]

fluid mojo

  • Paper size: 5” wide x 7” high

  • Image size: 4” wide x 5-1/4” high

  • Paper type: Matte photo cardstock

  • Edition size: 1 [monotype]

fluid mojo ghost

  • Paper size: 5” wide x 7” high

  • Image size: 4” wide x 5-1/4” high

  • Paper type: Matte photo cardstock

  • Edition size: 1 [monotype]


azure color studies

These miniprints are color studies evoking calm mornings and tumultuous storms with strong black, cobalt glue, misty gray and crisp white.

Michele LeTourneur zattastudio monotype azure dawn

azure dawn

  • Paper size: 5” wide x 7” high

  • Image size: 4” wide x 5-1/4” high

  • Paper type: Matte photo cardstock

  • Edition size: 1 [monotype]

azure dusk

  • Paper size: 5” wide x 7” high

  • Image size: 4” wide x 5-1/4” high

  • Paper type: Matte photo cardstock

  • Edition size: 1 [monotype]

Michele LeTourneur zattastudio monotype azure calm

azure dawn

  • Paper size: 5” wide x 7” high

  • Image size: 4” wide x 5-1/4” high

  • Paper type: Matte photo cardstock

  • Edition size: 1 [monotype]

Michele LeTourneur zattastudio monotype azure storm

azure dusk

  • Paper size: 5” wide x 7” high

  • Image size: 4” wide x 5-1/4” high

  • Paper type: Matte photo cardstock

  • Edition size: 1 [monotype]


tree of life series

These acrylic monoprints were inspired by the forest and the intensity of being surrounded by deep green with glimpses of light in between.

Michele LeTourneur zattastudio monotype thicket


  • Paper size: 11” wide x 14” high

  • Image size: 7-1/2” wide x 10” high

  • Paper type: Legion Stonehenge Light

  • Edition size: 1 [monotype]

Michele LeTourneur zattastudio monotype timberland


  • Paper size: 11” wide x 14” high

  • Image size: 7-1/2” wide x 10” high

  • Paper type: Legion Stonehenge Light

  • Edition size: 1 [monotype]

Michele LeTourneur zattastudio monotype lush woods

lush woods

  • Paper size: 11” wide x 14” high

  • Image size: 7-1/2” wide x 10” high

  • Paper type: Legion Stonehenge Light

  • Edition size: 1 [monotype]

Michele LeTourneur zattastudio monotype wildwood


  • Paper size: 11” wide x 14” high

  • Image size: 7-1/2” wide x 10” high

  • Paper type: Legion Stonehenge Light

  • Edition size: 1 [monotype]

Michele LeTourneur zattastudio monotype verdant jungle

verdant jungle

  • Paper size: 11” wide x 14” high

  • Image size: 7-1/2” wide x 10” high

  • Paper type: Legion Stonehenge Light

  • Edition size: 1 [monotype]

Michele LeTourneur zattastudio monotype overgrown thicket

overgrown thicket

  • Paper size: 11” wide x 14” high

  • Image size: 7-1/2” wide x 10” high

  • Paper type: Legion Stonehenge Light

  • Edition size: 1 [monotype]


quarantine miniprint series

Who wasn’t going crazy during this time?

Michele LeTourneur zattastudio monotype quarantine1

quarantine 1

A summer-inspired monoprint conveying the essence of a mythical forest lake covered in moss, knowing that if even if it existed, it would still be off-limits during quarantine.

  • Paper size: 4” wide x 6” high

  • Image size: 3-1/2” wide x 4-3/4” high

  • Paper type: Matte photo cardstock

  • Edition size: 1 [monotype]

quarantine 2

Monoprint expressing my hope to see new places in the spring during the pandemic, envisioning new growth near my mythical forest lake.

  • Paper size: 4” wide x 6” high

  • Image size: 3-1/2” wide x 4-3/4” high

  • Paper type: Matte photo cardstock

  • Edition size: 1 [monotype]

quarantine 3

A wintery monoprint hinting at my dream of a forest lake blanketed by snow, as all my dreams were of places I could not visit during the pandemic.

  • Paper size: 4” wide x 6” high

  • Image size: 3-1/2” wide x 4-3/4” high

  • Paper type: Matte photo cardstock

  • Edition size: 1 [monotype]

quarantine 4

This autumnal monoprint captures my mythical northern forest lake gathering a chill getting ready for winter, as we all were as the pandemic dragged on. And on.

  • Paper size: 4” wide x 6” high

  • Image size: 3-1/2” wide x 4-3/4” high

  • Paper type: Matte photo cardstock

  • Edition size: 1 [monotype]



